Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish Council


Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish Council held in Eastville, Midville and New Leake Village Hall on Monday 17 May 2021 at 7.00pm


The new Councillors were welcomed to the meeting.  Their Declaration of Acceptance of Office has been received by the Clerk.


Present:  Cllrs Nunn (in the chair), Thorold, Sweetman, Roxburgh, Scott, and Brennan


1. Election of Chairman:  It was proposed by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Sweetman that Cllr Nunn continue as Chairman, there being no other nominations Cllr Nunn accepted the position and signed the ‘Notice of Acceptance of Office’ accordingly


2. Election of Vice Chairman:  It was proposed by Cllr Nunn and seconded by Cllr Sweetman that Cllr Thorold continue as Vice Chairman, there being no other nominations Cllr Thorold accepted the position and signed the ‘Notice of Acceptance of Office’ accordingly.


3. To co-opt a Parish Councillor:  There were no applications for co-option at this meeting.


7.05pm  Cllr Baker arrived 


4. Apologies:  Apologies have been received from Dist Cllr Dickinson and County Cllr Bowkett


5. To Receive Nominations for Representatives on Outside Bodies:


a. The Alenson & Erskine Foundation:  Cllr Baker is willing to continue to be the representative, there were no objections to this.


b. Leake United Charities:  Cllr Nunn is willing to continue to be the representative, there were no objections to this.


6. To Review the Standing Orders:  No amendments were made.


7. To review the Risk Assessment:  There were no amendments made to the Risk Assessment.


8. Any Other Parish Council Business for Review:  There was no other business for review







There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.10 pm.