19 April 2022

Minutes of the remote meeting of Eastville, Midville And New Leake Group Parish Council meeting held on Monday 19 April 2021 at 7.10pm

The Chairman had welcomed Cllr Roxburgh onto the Parish Council at the Annual Parish Meeting, the Clerk confirmed receipt of the signed Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

1.   Apologies for absence

Apologies:  Apologies were received from Cllr Thorold

Present:  Cllrs Dickinson, Baker, Scott, Sweetman, Roxburgh and Nunn (Chair)

Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett

2.    To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

  1. There was no Police report.
  2. Dist Cllr Dickinson had nothing to report.  The Clerk asked that the email used for remittance advices from ELDC should be clearly from ELDC not some letters @ ….  and for the body of the email to be correct in the attached information, ie precept/grant not refund.
  3. County Cllr Bowkett reported:
  4. A written report has been sent to all Councillors
  5. Lateral Flow testing kits are now available free of charge at chemists.

3.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest.

4.    Notes of the meeting held on 15 March 2021 to be approved and signed as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Scott that the minutes be signed as a true record, they will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5.    Clerk’s report

The Clerk had nothing to report.

6.    Chairman’s report

The Chairman had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.

7.    Finance report

The following payments have been made:

  1. Salaries (April)                                                                                       314.92
  2. Clerk’s expenses                                                                                     29.42
  3. K & P Services (Cleaning bus shelters/war memorial)                          30.00
  4. E L Arnold (Zoom – 6 months)                                                               28.78
  5. E L Arnold (laminating pouches)                                                              9.99
  6. Balance at 23.03.21: Current a/c  £7,281.91, reconciled: £7,025.70   Deposit a/c:£15,000.08

8.     To confirm grass-cutting contractor for Eastville and Midville churchyards

  1.     The current contractor has quoted £90 (Midville) and £95 (Eastville) per cut for the Churchyards.
  2. A further quotation has been sought, being £180 per cut per Churchyard.
  3. It had been resolved, by email due to the timescale, that the current contractor be asked to continue with the grass cuts.

9.     To discuss any changes to the insurance schedule

  1. All Councillors have a copy of the insurance schedule.
  2. There were no changes to be made.  The Clerk will advise Came & Company.

10.    To decide to repair, replace or remove the bench at Spilsby Road

  1. The conifers have not yet been cut back from the bench.  Cllrs Sweetman and Nunn will cut them back if needs be.
  2. If the bench can be cleaned up it will be kept.

11.    To discuss the project at the memorial garden – update on benches

  1. There has been no work carried out regarding the two benches.
  2. The area of the memorial garden is yet to be accurately measured.
  3. The granite is ready to be spread around the stoned area of the memorial.
  4. A visit will be made locally to view a possible idea for a ‘building’ to be considered for the site.

12.    Planning applications received

The Parish Council have looked at and support the following application:

S/120/00684/21 - Mr & Mrs D Roy - Extension to existing house to provide a ground floor lounge and bedroom with ensuite on the site of an existing site which is to be removed at Franklynn, East Fen Lane, Stickney

13.   To report planning decisions from ELDC

Full planning permission has been received for:

S/120/00089/21 - E Wheeler and M Allen - Extension and alterations to existing house to provide an enlarged lounge and living room at Bridge House, Barlode Drain

14.   To receive reports for highways                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

  1. An email from a resident was circulated to Councillors, after the resident’s data had been removed.  County Cllr Bowkett had received the same email, as had LCC Highways and they await a reply from the resident as to the cause of the fall.
  2. Fodderdyke Bank was discussed at some length, the road, the footpath and the fence.  County Cllr Bowkett explained that the job was on the list to be completely done, the road will need to be closed for 6 – 8 weeks but meanwhile the fence has been made safe,  footpath has been inspected and will be sprayed with weedkiller and road will have some of the potholes filled in.
  3. The speed limit at Fodderdyke will be looked into when the works have been carried out.
  4. The possibility of an interactive speed sign was discussed, the Clerk will check on the prices of these signs.

15.   Items for the next agenda

  1. Interactive speed sign
  2. Date to visit cabin to consider for the memorial garden
  3. Good Councillors Guides, Employers Guide and printed Standing Orders need to be collected from the Councillors who have resigned or retired.

16.   Date of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Monday 15 May 2021 and will follow the Annual Parish Council Meeting which will be held at 7.00pm

17.   To co-opt a new councillor

One application has been received, following discussion it was resolved to co-opt Mrs Brennan onto the Parish Council.

One person who was previously co-opted has not been in touch with the Clerk for two months, it was resolved to re-advertise the vacancy.


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.05pm