13 February 2023
Public forum prior to meeting on 13 February 2023
There were no members of the public present.
Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville & New Leake Group Parish Council held on Monday 13 February 2023 at 7.25pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: There were no apologies received.
Present: Cllrs Thorold, Baker and Nunn (Chair)
Also present: County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllr Dickinson
2. To co-opt a new councillor
Co-options will not take place until after the elections in May
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. Dist Cllr Dickinson read out her email, which will be forwarded to Councillors.
b. County Cllr Bowkett read out her report that will be emailed to Councillors.
4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Notes of the meeting held on 12 December 2022 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Thorold that the minutes be signed as a true record.
6. Clerk’s report
a. The precept for m was returned to ELDC, via email, on 20 January 2023.
b. Asda have community grants available for improving buildings for community use. The deadline for applications is 19 March, this will be too late for the kitchen works at St Judes
7. Chairman’s report
The Chairman had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.
8. Finance report
a. To approve the following payments:
i. Salaries (January) 327.29
ii. Clerk’s Expenses 22.80
iii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iv. LALC (Annual subscription) 232.13
v. Malc Firth Landscapes (Clearing the memorial garden) 1063.20
vi. E L Arnold (Garden Waste bin at St Jude’s) 50.00
vii. E L Arnold (re-imbursement for Jubilee Bench) 1075.00
b. Balance at bank on 23 January 2023: Current account: £13,523.62
Deposit account: £15,000.08
9. To consider LALC training scheme
Following discussion it was resolved not to join the annual training scheme at this time.
10. Planning applications received
The Parish Council supported the following planning application:
S/126/00209/23 - Mr D Isaac - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Catchwater Cottage, East Fen Lane
11. To report planning decisions from ELDC
Full planning permission has been received for:
S/047/02301/22 - Mrs K Edwards - Extensions to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation and construction of a detached carport at Warren House, Station Road, Eastville
12. To receive reports for LCC highways/comments on speed sign data
a. There were no new highways issues to report.
b. The data has not been sent to Councillors, the Clerk will look into this.
13. Memorial garden, war memorial and street furniture
a. Jubilee Bench for siting in the Memorial Garden (£1000 grant available from ELDC)
The bench has now been ordered and is awaiting delivery.
b. Kitchen at St Jude’s
i. Cllr Scott was not present.
ii. A plumber has quoted for the water supply to be connected to the Church.
c. Any works required to War Memorial
There is some movement in the base which now needs to be pointed, quotations will be sought for this work.
d. To report any works required to street furniture belonging to the Parish Council
The seats will be checked ready for the next meeting.
e. Any other matter
Anglian Water will be asked to check the sewerage situation at the Memorial Garden.
14. Coronation gifts for children
Following discussion it was resolved to purchase commemorative coins for children up to
primary school age. An advert will be put on the Community Facebook page.
15. Matters for the next agenda
There were no additional matters for the next agenda.
16. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 13 March 2023 at 7.15pm in the Eastville Midville & New Leake Village Hall with a public forum from 7.00pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55pm