14 November 2022
Public forum prior to meeting on 14 November 2022
There were no members of the public present.
Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville And New Leake Group Parish Council held on Monday 14 November 2022 at 7.15pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllrs Sweetman and Roxburgh
Present: Cllrs Scott, Thorold, Baker and Nunn (Chair)
2. to co-opt a new councillor
There were no applications for co-option
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. Dist Cllr Dickinson read out her report, this be sent to all Councillors.
b. County Cllr Bowkett read out her report, this will be sent to all Councillors.
4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Notes of the meeting held on 10 October 2022 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Thorold that the minutes be signed as a true record.
6. Clerk’s Report
The Clerk had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.
7. Chairman’s report
The Chairman reported that he had laid the wreath at the War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday on behalf of the Parish Council.
8. Finance report
a. To approve the following payments:
i. Salaries (October)
ii. Clerk’s Expenses
iii. K & P Services (/cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iv. TJW Services (Churchyard grass cuts) 294.00
b. Balance at bank on 28 October 2022: Current account: £17,738.25 rec: £17107.25
Deposit account: £15,000.08
9. Budget for the year ended 31 March 2024
a. All Councillors have a copy of a draft budget and the budget control for the current financial year.
b. Following discussion some amendments were made, these will be done ready for the next meeting when the precept will be set.
c. It is intended to keep the precept at £15,000.00
10. Planning applications received
There were no planning applications for this meeting
11. To report planning decisions from ELDC
Outline planning permission has been received for:
S/120/01099/22 - Mr A Downes - Hybrid application for the outline erection of a restaurant and bar and planning permission for the change of use of land to site 4no. holiday lodges for seasonal occupation. Excavation of land to form a lake (works already completed) at Greenacres Farm, Midville Road, Stickney
12. To receive reports for LCC highways/comments on speed sign data
a. There were no new highways issues to report.
b. The interactive speed sign seems to be slowing traffic down, the percentages of speeding traffic are a constant percentage.
13. Memorial Garden
a. Report regarding Anglian Water
i. Anglian Water have given details of the water supply and where to run from to the Church building.
ii. A stop tap has been fitted and a meter will be fitted in due course.
iii. A plumber will be contacted regarding the supply to the Church.
iv. Nothing has been heard regarding the sewerage
b. Jubilee Bench for siting in the Memorial Garden (£1000 grant available from ELDC)
The bench will be ordered before the next meeting.
c. Kitchen at St Jude’s
Cllr Scott will meet someone who will prepare a quote for the kitchen in the church.
d. Any other matter
i. The quote for the removal of the bushes and tree stumps has been received.
ii. It was resolved to have the work carried out at a cost of £886.00 plus VAT.
15. Matters for the next agenda
There were no matters for the next agenda
16. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 12 December 2022 at 7.15pm in the Eastville Midville & New Leake Village Hall with a public forum from 7.00pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm