17 April 2023

Public forum prior to meeting on 17 APRIL 2023


There were no members of the public present


Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville & New Leake Group Parish Council held on Monday 17 April 2023 at 7.15pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall


1. Apologies for absence


Apologies:  Apologies were received from Cllr Nunn.


Present:  Cllrs Scott, Baker and Thorold (Chair)


Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllr Dickinson


2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


a. Dist Cllr Dickinson expressed her thanks to the Parish Council for the way it has welcomed her as the District Council and the respect shown for her position.  There is nothing to report from ELDC due to being in Purdah.


b. County Cllr Bowkett reported that the Spring vaccines for COVID are available for vulnerable people and can be booked on line.  There is a new vaccine centre at Wainfleet.


3.     To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 


Cllr Scott declared an interest in Planning as he has an interest both planning applications.


4.     Notes of the meeting held on 13 March 2023 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Scott that the minutes be signed as a true record.


5.     Clerk’s report


The Clerk reported that there were only two nomination papers completed, this has resulted in a second election that will be run for Midville, at a time to be decided by ELDC.


6.     Chairman’s report


Cllr Nunn has reported the issue of parking on the footway at New Leake, the incident number is 392-240323


7.     Finance report   


a. To approve the following payments:


i. Salaries (March)   327.09

ii. Clerk’s Expenses     19.98

iii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial)     40.00

iv. HMRC (PAYE)   245.20

v. Evelyn Sands (PAYE)     70.00

b. Balance at bank at 27 March:    Current account   £10,341.35

     Deposit account   £15,000.08


8.     Planning applications received 


Cllr Scott left the meeting whilst the plans were discussed.


The Parish Council supported the following planning applications:


S/047/00545/23 Scotts Industries Ltd Change of use of land to provide an extension to the curtilage of the engineering works at land east of Slates Farm, Station road, Eastville


S/047/00547/23 Mr A Scott Change of use of land to provide an extension to the 

curtilage and siting of a residential lodge at Slates Farm, Station Road, Eastville


9.    To report planning decisions from ELDC


Full planning permission has been received for:


S/126/00209/23 Mr D Isaac Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Catchwater Cottage, East Fen Lane


10.    To receive reports for LCC Highways/comments on speed sign data


a. The speed sign has not been charged for the data to be collected.

b. The Clerk will check when the sign will be charged and if it can be moved to the 40mph limit.

c. There is an issue with pavement parking along Spilsby Road.

d. Cllr Bowkett was asked about Fodderdyke Bank:

i. The Friskney side is being tested at the present time ready for the resurfacing to be carried out.

ii. The road to the Duke of Wellington will be sorted out in July/August this year.


11. Memorial Garden, War Memorial and street furniture 


a. Jubilee Bench 

   The bench has not yet been delivered, this order will be chased up by the Clerk.


b. Kitchen at St Jude’s

The quotations are still being pursued.


c. Anglian Water

The Clerk reported that Anglian Water have no record of the visits to the Memorial Garden with regard to the sewerage or the water supply.  If there is a meter installed then they may be able to trace any work using the meter number.


d. Any other matter

A letter has been received from the PCC regarding a chip in a window, possible caused by a strimmer catching a stone.  The Clerk will ask any worker in the Memorial Garden to be aware of possible flying stones and the damage they may cause.


12.    Coronation gifts for children


There have not been many applications for commemorative coins, it was resolved to get one each school child and all those who requested a Jubilee Mug.


13.    Matters for the next agenda


a. The footprint of Eastville Church has become overgrown with saplings.  Unfortunately the Parish Council are not responsible for this and cannot pay any additional work to be carried out at the Churchyard.


b. Malc Firth Landscapes will be asked about the Memorial Garden.


c. Purchase of a Coronation bench


14.   Date of next meeting


The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Meeting and will be held on 15 May 2023 at 7.00pm.


The Parish Council will not be quorate until after the election to be run by ELDC for Midville.







There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.10pm