11 July 2023
Public forum prior to meeting on 11 July 2023
There were no members of the public present
Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville & New Leake Group Parish Council held on Monday 11 July 2023 at 7.20pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were received from County Cllr Bowkett
Present: Cllrs Baker, Scott, Thorold and Nunn (Chair)
Also present: Dist Cllr Dickinson
2. To co-opt new councillors
There were no applications for co-option.
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. Dist Cllr Dickinson read out her report which has been emailed to Councillors.
b. County Cllr Bowkett reported, by email, that a planning application for East Fen Lane is due in the next two weeks or so.
4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Notes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on 12 June 2023 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Thorold and seconded by Cllr Baker that the minutes be signed as a true record.
6. Notes of the meeting held on 12 June 2023 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Thorold and seconded by Cllr Baker that the minutes be signed as a true record.
7. Clerk’s report
a. The Certificate of Exemption has been sent to the External Auditor together with the dates for Public Rights, as required.
b. A grant applied for has been turned down due to the Parish Council not owning the building.
c. LCC are offering free litter picking kits for parishes. Following discussion it was resolved that 15 kits should be requested.
8. Chairman’s report
The Chairman reported that he had presented the Coronation coins to the children in the school.
9. Finance report
a. To approve the following payments: £
i. Salaries (June + back pay) 653.74
ii. Clerk’s Expenses 20.35
iii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iv. HMRC (PAYE) 330.85
v. Evelyn Sands (PAYE) 70.00
vi. T J W Services (Churchyard grass cuts – two months) 294.00
vii. E L Arnold (ink) 42.00
viii. Post Office Ltd (ELDC – election charges) 291.00
b. To approve payments for August;
i. Salaries (July) TBA
ii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iii. T J W Services (Churchyard grass cuts) TBA
c. Balance at bank at 30 May: Current account £14,205.38
Deposit account £15,000.08
10. Planning applications received
There were no planning applications for this meeting.
11. To report planning decisions from ELDC
There were no planning decisions to report.
12. To receive reports for LCC Highways/comments on speed sign data
a. The data from the speed indicator sign has not been collected.
b. The Dog & Duck Bridge will be closed for up to nine weeks.
13. Memorial garden – report from meeting
a. The meeting did not take place on Friday, this will be re-scheduled.
b. Cllr Scott has some blank plans for others to design a garden, having presented his own ideas.
c. The weeds have been sprayed to tidy up the area.
d. The Jubilee bench has been delivered to the Clerk’s address.
e. Anglian Water will be contacted again regarding the sewerage situation at the Memorial Garden.
f. New quotations will be sought. Cllr Scott will send the new details of the kitchen to the Clerk.
14. Coronation gifts for children
The Coronation gifts have been delivered to the school and to others who requested them.
15. Matters for the next agenda
There were no matters for the next agenda
16. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 11 September 2023 at 7.15pm, with a public forum from 7.00pm.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm