11 September 2023
Public forum prior to meeting on 11 September 2023
There was one member of the public present who came along to speak about the planning application for East Fen Lane: the road is too narrow for caravans to be using; where will the waste water, of all kinds, from the site be going as the ditch is already full of sewerage; the site is in a flood zone 3; there is no time scale for the transit caravans stay; the local surgery is always over booked for appointments and is there enough places for any children in the local schools?
Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville & New Leake Group Parish Council held on Monday 11 September 2023 at 7.20pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall
1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were received from Cllr Thorold
Present: Cllrs Baker, Scott, and Nunn (Chair)
Also present: County Cllr Bowkett, Dist Cllr Dickinson and one member of the public
2. To co-opt new councillors
There were no applications for co-option, new posters will be placed in the notice board.
3. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. Dist Cllr Dickinson read out her report which will be emailed to Councillors. There is £1500 left of the Councillors Community Grants.
b. County Cllr Bowkett read out her report which will be emailed to Councillors.
7.35 County Cllr Bowkett and Dist Cllr Dickinson left the meeting
4. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
There were no declarations of interest.
5. Notes of the meeting held on 10 July 2023 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Baker that the minutes be signed as a true record.
6. Clerk’s report
a. The waste collecting kits ordered from LCC are no longer available. LCC have said they supplied the first 100 parishes on a first come first served basis. The question of how many kits did they have has been asked.
b. All bus journeys are £2.00 each way until 31 October 2023
7. Chairman’s report
The Chairman had nothing to report, all items are on the agenda.
8. Finance report
a. To approve the following payments: £
i. Salaries (August) 348.08
ii. Clerk’s Expenses 21.05
iii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iv. T J W Services (Churchyard grass cuts) 294.00
v. Information Commissioners Office (d/d) 35.00
b. To payments made in August:
i. Salaries (July) 348.28
ii. K & P Services (cleaning bus shelters/War Memorial) 40.00
iii. T J W Services (Churchyard grass cuts) 294.00
c. Balance at bank at 22 August: Current account £11,766.35
Deposit account £15,000.08
9. Planning applications received
The following plans were looked at through August and there were no objections from the Parish Council:
S/126/01083/23 - Mrs J Shelly - Erection of a polytunnel, existing glass house to be removed at Brigadoon, Midville Lane.
S/047/01446/23 - Mr D Scott - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Slates Farm, Station Road, Eastville
The following plans were looked at and objections were made:
S/126/01403/23 - Mr A Grey - Change of use of land to use as a gypsy/traveller caravan site comprising: a warden’s pitch accommodating a static caravan/mobile home; 6 residential pitches each accommodating no more than one static caravan/mobile home and 10 transit pitches each accommodating no more than 2 touring caravans, erection of toilet//wash block and erection of a dayroom building and laying of hardstanding (works commenced) at Stickney Showground, East Fen Lane.
a. The site could have up to 90 residents at any one time, where will all the waste water from
the showers and toilets go?
b. Will the transits be emptying chemical toilets and refilling with water before leaving the site, is there provision for chemical waste?
c. The site is in Flood zone 3 and liable to flood.
d. There are no street lights on East Fen Lane and no footway so it is not safe to walk into the village to the shop, surgery and schools.
e. Are there sufficient spaces at the doctors surgery and in the local schools to accommodate, possible up to 90 additional people? Stickney had just had plans approved for 50 additional properties. The A & E in Boston is already over run.
f. Will there be a time scale for the transits to stay on the site?
g. Will there be a height restriction on the boundary fencing/hedging?
h. East Fen Lane is very narrow and not wide enough for transit caravans to keep coming and going.
i. Is there sufficient distance between the caravans to meet any fire regulations?
j. Is there a fire hydrant in this area of the village as this site is outside the building curtilage?
10. To report planning decisions from ELDC
Full Planning permission has been received for:
S/047/00547/23 - Mr A Scott - Change of use of land to provide and extension to the domestic garden area and siting of a residential annex at Slates Farm, Station Road, Eastville
S/120/00965/23 - Mr Downes - Reserved matters relating to the erection of a restaurant and bar with holiday lodge reception, office and shop and provision of parking (outline planning permission ref: S/120/1099/22 for the erection of a bar and restaurant, granted 10 November 2022) at Greenacres Farm, Midville Road.
S/126/01083/23 - Mrs J Shelly - Erection of a polytunnel, existing glass house to be removed at Brigadoon, Midville Lane.
S/047/01446/23 - Mr D Scott - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Slates Farm, Station Road, Eastville
11. To receive reports for LCC highways/comments on speed sign data
The data from the speed indicator sign has not been collected, the Clerk will give information to the Chairman of accessing the data to see if he is able to get it.
12. Memorial Garden – meeting report
a. Cllr Scott prepared a ‘plan of action’ which was approved by the Council.
b. The first job is to get water to the Church and find the waste pipe.
c. Cllr Scott will arrange collection of the Jubilee Bench from the Clerk’s home.
13. Matters for the next agenda
The purchase of a wreath for Remembrance Sunday.
14. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Monday 09 October 2023 at 7.15pm, with a public forum from 7.00pm.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.55pm