Unapproved notes from meeting held 11 December 2024
1. Public Forum
District Cllr Dickinson discussed her report which was sent to the councillors via email before meeting and published on the Parish Council Website, a link has also been put onto the new Parish Council Facebook Page.
County Cllr Bowkett sent her apologise and had nothing new to report.
Meeting Opened at 1915
2. In attendance: Cllrs Thorold, Baker, Scott and Nunn (Chair)
a. Also In attendance: Parish Clerk Deborah Money.
b. Apologies for Absence: None received from Cllr Hastie
3. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
No conflict of Interest Declared
4. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 09th October 2024 as a true record by Cllr Thorold and Cllr Baker, the chair signed the minutes.
5. Clerks Report
Nothing to report
6. Chairman’s Report Chair
Cllr Nunn Co-opted Cllr Money as a Parish Councillor all Cllr’s voted for him to be co-opted and welcomed him to the Parish Council.
7. Churchyard Maintenance for Midville and Eastville.
Clerk has been trying to establish who is responsible for the upkeep of Midville and Eastville churchyards, to ensure that as a parish council we are not liable for any problems that may occur. Cllr Baker informed us that although the churches are closed the churchyards are open and still in use. This being correct then it was agreed by all councillors to continue with the grass cutting for all churches for another year with a review again next October.
8. Reviewed and agreed Latest Policies – The finance, IT, Debit Card, and Reserve Policy were distributed before the meeting and have been agreed.
9. Reviewed the current assets register and checked for any maintenance that may be required going forward a couple of adjustments were made and will be published on the website. It was agreed that Cllr Money would do the monthly check for the defibrillator. Cllr Thorold and Cllr Scott also checked and updated the asset register for the outstanding items.
10. Finance
a. Draft Budget
The draft budget was reviewed and agreed by all Cllrs. The precept amount for 2025-26 will remain the same as this year at £16000. This was a unanimous decision.
– Discuss current contracts, review assets register, plus checklist. It was agreed that Cllr Money would do the monthly check for the defibrillator. Cllr Thorold and Cllr Scott also checked and updated the asset register.
b. NALC Salary Increase for SCP16 to £15.33 an hour from £14.70 with backpay from April 2024 at £162.66.
c. Lloyds Bank are introducing new bank charges of £4.25 a month for non-registered charities, it was agreed that for now parish council will continue with Lloyds.
d. To formally note financial position
e. To formally note the bank reconciliation
f. It was agreed that the clerk could make payment with the new debit card up to the value of £100 without prior authorisation from parish councillors as per our new debit card policy.
g. To formally approve any automated, retrospective and future payments to be made:
11.12.24 Salary October (LGA 1972 s.112) £686.29 Chq 1071
11.12.24 Salary November (LGA 1972 s.112) £720.69 Chq 1072
11.12.24 Salary December (LGA 1972 s.112) £510.54 Chq 1079
11.12.24 Salary Backpay (LGA 1972 s.112) £162.66 Chq 1072
11.12.24 Expenses October £118.42 Mobile Phone, Ink, Stationery and Postage. Chq 1071
11.12.24 Expenses November £10.49 Mobile Phone and Ink. Chq 1072
11.12.24 Expenses December £5.00 Chq 1079
11.12.24 K&P Services October – Cleaning Bus Shelters/War Memorial £40.00 Chq 1070
11.12.24 K&P Services November – Cleaning Bus Shelters/War Memorial £40.00 Chq 1076
11.12.24 K&P Services December – Cleaning Bus Shelters/War Memorial £40.00 Chq 1077
11.12.24 Lucy Lawns - Grass Cutting all Churchyards and Hedge at the Memorial Garden’s (LGA 1972 s.215)
Chq 1074
11.12.24 Taxing Times – PAYE £79.20 Chq 1073
11.12.24 Taxing Times – PAYE £26.40 Chq 1073
11.12.24 Clerk’s FILCA Training - £144 Debit Card
11.12.24 Clerk’s Up to Date Administration Books - £239.96 - Debit Card
11.12.24 Printer – up to £300 – Debit Card
11.12.24 Defibrillator Pads up to £200– Debit Card
h. To note any income received since the last meeting
Treasurers Account £12298.09
Deposit Account £25359.54
11. Planning applications and decisions.
a. To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting
No objections
b. To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting
None to discuss
12. Memorial Garden’s at New Leake.
Cllr Thorold has drawn up a sketch of the gardens and was reviewed by the Cllrs as a way forward, Cllr Thorold will forward file to the clerk for a record. Cllr Baker suggested some form of a fence memorial at the back of the gardens, with maybe pictures from the local school
13. Updates on new email addresses
Clerk has given the new email addresses and passwords for the .gov.uk email addresses, along with instructions on how to use the emails.
14. Defibrillator
Clerk advised that our current defibrillator on Spilsby Road is out of action and that we need new Defib pads, it also needs cleaning monthly. Clerk has been to site cleaned and used WD40 to make it accessible again. The Clerk has looked at prices for reinstalling and adding it to the circuit website. All Cllr’s agreed that the adult and paediatric pads should be purchased. Cllr Money agreed to check the defibrillator monthly.
15. Lincs Rural Volunteer Update
Cllr Baker has tried to contact the housing association but has not been able to find anyone that was able to help.
16. Speed Data
Still no data, and it was reported by Cllr Thorold that the camera is no longer working, as it needs charging. Cllr Thorold is going to try to collect the charging unit from a previous Cllr once this has been collected the Cllr’s will assess the speed camara to see if it needs a new battery.
17. Community Speed Watch
After being approached to start a volunteer group in our area for the community speed watch project it was decided not to go forward with this as the moment.
18. Town and Parish Council Survey
All Cllr’s have received the Town and Parish Council Survey via email and have been requested to fill this fill form. It was agreed that this would be sent back to the clerk for her to forward back to East Lindsey Borough Council.
19. Matters for next agenda.
No matters
20. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on 12th February 2024. There will be a Public Forum at 7.15pm
There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm