Unapproved notes from meeting held 11 September 2024



  1. Public Forum


  1. Dist Cllr Dickinson Full report has been sent to all councillors and placed onto website.

District Councillor's Report – Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish Council (lincolnshire.gov.uk)

  1. County Cllr Bowkett Full report has been sent to all councillors and placed onto website

County Councillor's Report – Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish Council (lincolnshire.gov.uk)

  1. In attendance: Cllrs Thorold, Baker and Nunn (Chair) 
    1. Also In attendance:  Parish Clerk Deborah Money, Dist Cllr Dickinson and Cllr Bowett
    2. Apologies for Absence: Cllr Scott and Hastie
  2. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

There were no declarations of interest, clerk asked Cllr Baker if she felt she needed to declare her interest with the Memorial and Church project.Cllr Baker said that she would leave that part of the meeting if she felt that was appropriate.

  1. Draft Notes of previous meetings.

Draft notes of the meeting held on 10 July 2024 to be approved and signed as the minutes It was proposed by Cllr Thorold and seconded by Cllr Baker that the minutes be signed as a true record.

  1. Clerks Report

Nothing to report

  1. Chairman’s Report

Nothing to report

  1. Review Standing Orders

This was sent out via email before the meeting for councillors to review.One error found by clerk which will be amended, all councillors agreed that nothing else required changing.

  1. Finance report 
    1. To approve payments for September:

Salaries (August)

Salary and Pension



Expenses (August)

Laptop, Software, Postage, Mobile Phone, Stationary, Ink and Mileage



K & P Services (July)

Cleaning Bus Shelters/War Memorial/Painting Notice Board In Bus Shelters



K & P Services (August)

Cleaning Bus Shelters/War Memorial



Lucy Lawns

Lawn Mowing Churchyard



Taxing Times




Two payments for K & P Services as clerk and councillors were not aware that they had been asked to paint the notice boards, so had to carry over last months payment for re authorising.

  1. Latest Bank Balance

Treasurers Account


28 August 2024

Business Account


09 May 2024

  1. Reviewed Current Contracts:

Memorial Gardens - Weed Killing

It was agreed by councillors that a full review of contracts will take place at our December meeting, so that we are ready for the new financial year.Clerk will see if she can find any job descriptions for the current contracts, if unable too she will write new contracts for councillors to review at a Parish Council Meeting.

  1. Online Banking

It was agreed by all councillors that we should look at online banking.Paperwork has been completed with three signatures, Cllr Thorold, Cllr Nunn and the Clerk.


  1. Planning applications and decisions.

To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting

Application reference S/064/01147/24 available at S/064/01147/24 | Consultation from PINS on an EIA scoping opinion on Eastern Green Link 3 and 4. | EASTERN GREEN LINK 3 AND 4, FIRSBY ROAD, GREAT STEEPING (e-lindsey.gov.uk)

Consultation from PINS on an EIA scoping opinion on Eastern Green Link 3 and 4.



All councillors have objected and clerk will add comments on the planning page.


  1. St Jude’s Church Hedge Cutting Quote

Quote was reviewed however it has been decided that we only require our side of the hedge needs cutting, and also to use the garden bins instead of removing the rubbish.Clerk will contact Lucy Lawns for an amended quote.

  1. Website Improvements

Clerk would like to update the current website as it isn’t very easy to navigate and a lot of it is out of date, she has enrolled on the next JADU training course, but in the meantime will try to navigate around the site.It was agreed that we will have the Parish Magazine on there, along with the Dist Councillor and County Councillors report.


  1. Memorial Garden and Church Update St Judes

Clerk has informed councillors of the procedure that needs to be followed before any project can be started,

  1. We need a letter from Rev Fran Jeffries or the Diocese, confirming exactly what the church requires.
  2. Councillors then need to advice the parishioners for agreement for this project to take place.
  3. Councillors need to write to three companies to give them the opportunity to quote for the work.  The quotes need to be with details of what work they are going to complete, with VAT amount separate, VAT number, Insurance, this should be on headed paper.
  4. Quotes should be submitted as sealed bids addressed to the clerk, they are opened and reviewed by councillors at the next available meeting.
  5. The project may not exceed £5891.45 if it does then the church would need to find the remainder amount.  Also need to remember that if this is all spend on the church there will be no remaining budget for any new projects in that financial year,

Cllr Nunn will review and adjust the quote template sent to him in July so that we can start looking for quotes while we wait for a letter from the church.

  1. The memorial project is separate to the church but will also need to be presented to the parish, it will also need three quotes.  As this project will be on parish council property councillors will also need to consider the ongoing financial costs that will need to be incurred and how we will cover the costs and other legal matters for the budget setting.


Clerk suggested that we have a councillor in charge of this project so that all documentation and communication etc is all in one place.


  1. Updates on new email addresses.

As per section 1.26 of the practitioners’ guide we need to review the parish councillors email addresses.Every authority should have an email account that belongs to the council and to which the council has access.Clerk has some costs for the .gov.uk email account but will recheck these to make sure that there have not been any changes.Cllr Nunn would also like to check on alternatives and will do so before the next meeting.


  1. Parcel Pick-Up Points

It was agreed by Cllr Thorold and seconded by Cllr Nunn that it would be a good idea in theory to have a collection point.


  1. Lincs Rural Volunteer

Cllr Baker had no update to report


  1. Speed Data

Still no data, and it was reported by Cllr Thorold that the camera is no longer working, as it needs charging.Cllr Nunn is going to collect the charging unit from a previous councillor and then look at the app that has been sent to him.


  1. Matters of next agenda. - Training
  2. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on 09 October 2024.  There will be a Public Forum at 7.15pm
  3. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm