09 October 2024


  1. Public Forum - District Cllr Dickinson sent her apologise but advised that she does not have anything to report but still has not received any applications for her councillor community grant.  County Cllr Bowkett sent her apology and had nothing to report                                                                                                             In attendance: Cllrs Thorold, Scott, Baker, Hastie and Nunn (Chair) .  Also In attendance:  Parish Clerk Deborah Money
  2. Declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 - Cllr Baker advised she would withdraw from the meeting if she felt that any part of item (9) was a conflict of interest.
  3. It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held on 11th September 2024 as a true record and the chair signed the minutes. - Cllr Baker said that she will leave the meeting if she felt she needed to when church business is discussed.
  4. Clerks Report - PKF Little john receipt of documents – notification of exempt status 2024 received.  A new handyman job description has been completed and is ready for councillors to check, and amend, this will be sent via email.  Notification received that online banking has been accepted we are now waiting for further paperwork to be sent in the post.  Councillors and Clerks training records to be published under Council Business on website, all current training courses have been sent to councillors for perusal.
  5. Chairman’s Report - Cllr Nunn has been approached regarding the hedge at the view at Hobhole obstructing the visibility at the junction.Cllr Nunn said that he advised the residents to report on Fix My Street and Cllr Baker said she would also report it
  6. Finance - The following payments were approved. D Money Salary & Pension £459.28, Expenses £48.66 Chq 1067, K & P Services Handyman £40.00 Chq 1068 Lucy Lawns £370.00 Chq 1069, Balance at bank - Treasurers Account £14160.74, Business Instant £25243.28
  7. Planning applications and decisions. - To consider any planning applications received since the last meeting - No Planning to discus - To note any planning decisions and/or appeal notifications since the last meeting - PROPOSAL: Planning Permission - Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation. LOCATION: THE BUNGALOW, MIDVILLE ROAD, STICKNEY, BOSTON, PE22 8DU- Full details can be found on East Lindsey Website.
  8. St Jude’s Church Hedge Cutting Quote - An amended quote received by Lucy Lawns for cutting the side of the hedge only by the memorial garden, this is the right hand side hedge as you look from the road, with the cuttings being left in the Parish Council Green Bin.The quote was for £90, and was agreed by all councillors.
  9. Memorial Garden and Kitchen at St Jude’s Church Councillors Progress - It was discussed during the meeting that we are going to look at tidying and re landscape memorial gardens.Councillors are going to give it some thought over the next few weeks and bring their ideas to the next meeting.At this meeting we hope to have a good idea of what is required so that we can then organise for quotes.
  10. Updates on new email addresses. - As per section 1.26 of the practitioners’ guide we need to review the parish councillors email addresses.Every authority should have an email account that belongs to the council and to which the council has access.- Clerk has rechecked the quotes given in July to see if they are still valid, the best quote given was by Cloud Next which is a total of £99.99 plus VAT per year for up to 25 email addresses, there is also a government scheme for £100 towards the initial costs for the first Parish Councils only that sign up, however since the last meeting the clerk has been informed that this is about to end. - The clerk also looked at 123-reg and for up to 10 email addresses this has come in at £298.80 for the first year and £359 thereafter.Cllr Nunn also looked at another company, and their quote was similar to this. - It was agreed by all councillors that we will proceed with the .gov.uk email addresses.
  11. Clerk has now attended a further training course for procurement, and has another booked for budget.  If the budget training course is not adequate, she has asked if she can attend another online course for £25 plus VAT, this has been agreed.
  12. Speed Data - Still no data, and it was reported by Cllr Thorold that the camera is no longer working, as it needs charging.Cllr Nunn is going to collect the charging unit from a previous councillor and then look at the app that has been sent to him.
  13. Matters for next agenda. - Lawn Cutting Quotes, Draft Budget
  14. The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on 13 November 2024.  There will be a Public Forum at 7.15pm
  15. There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.25pm