18 May 2020

Minutes of the remote meeting of Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group parish council meeting held on Monday 18 May 2020 at 8.00pm

1. Apologies for absence
Apologies: Apologies were accepted from Cllrs A Sweetman, J Sweetman, Baker and Vraj
Present: Cllrs Dickinson, Scott and Nunn (Chair)
Also present: County Cllr Bowkett

2. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies
a. Police report: there was no Police report
b. Dist Cllr Dickinson reported:
i. Covid 19 Pandemic: arranged for leaflet to be printed then delivered them to properties in Eastville, Midville and New Leake with details of food bank and other contacts where help can be found.
ii. Bulky waste collections have resumed.
iii. Planning applications approved during the pandemic are being given an extra year to begin the work.
iv. ELDC and Boston BC are considering an alliance which could save £1.8m a year.
c. County Cllr Bowkett reported:
i. LCC are working with other partners to support residents and businesses through the pandemic. County Cllrs have a grant to support their division, There is £1500 left should it be needed.
ii. Household waste recycling centres will be open form 18 May for green waste and wood only, slots for drop off have to be booked.
iii. The grass verge cutting has started, details can be found on the LCC website.
iv. The new programme of works can also be found on the LCC website.
v. Details of new working gangs were outlined for smaller jobs, footway/drain jobs, drainage gangs and operative patching gangs.

3. To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011
Cllr Baker declared an interest in item 12 on the agenda, she is on the Playing Field Committee who have applied for a s137 grant.

4. Notes of the meeting held on 16 March 2020 to be approved and signed as the minutes
It was proposed by Cllr Dickinson and seconded by Cllr Scott that the minutes, they will be signed by the Chairman in due course.

5. Clerk’s report
a. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic it was resolved to defer the Annual Parish Council meeting until May 2021, Cllr Nunn will continue as Chairman until then
b. The Annual Parish Meeting will be discussed at the first Parish Council meeting to be held when gatherings are permitted.
c. The defibrator has been registered for use.
d. The mobile library will no longer visit New Leake due to lack of use.
e. A letter of support for a Triton Knoll grant has been sent to the Primary School. The grant is for an extension to the school car park.
f. Cllr J Sweetman has asked about the maintenance of the Memorial Garden, Cllr Baker has agreed, by telephone earlier today, to have a look at this.

6. Chairman’s report
The Chairman had nothing to report.

7. Finance report
a. The following payments have been made (£):
i. February Salaries 257.74
ii. TJW Services (churchyard grass cuts) 432.00
iii. K & P Services (handyman) 30.00
iv. Came & Company (Insurance) 349.21
v. E L Arnold (ink) 49.99
b. Balance in current a/c at 20.04.20: £9363.89; Deposit a/c: £15,000.08
c. The precept of £6000.00 has been received from ELDC

8. Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020
a. To approve the Fixed Assets
i. The defibrillator and the notice board have been added to the list of assets.
ii. The Fixed Assets Register will be signed by the Chairman in due course, ready for the Internal Audit.
b. To approve the Statement of Accounts
i. The Clerk read out the figures in the Statement of Accounts.
ii. The figures were approved by the Councillors present.
iii. The Chairman will sign the paperwork in due course, along with the Certificate of Exemption.
c. To complete the annual Governance Statement
i. The Chairman read out the statements and the boxes were ticked following responses from the Councillors present.
ii. The paperwork will be signed in due course.

9. Planning applications received
There were no planning applications to discuss.

10. To report planning decisions from ELDC
Full planning permission has been received for:
S/126/00334/20 Mr Picker Rear extension to existing dwelling to provide a ground floor bedroom and a detached outbuilding, existing outbuilding on site to be removed at 10 Spilsby Road

11. To receive reports for LCC highways
a. Any highway matters can be emailed to County Cllr Bowkett.
b. The work to repair bank side at Station Road is almost complete.

12. Items for the next agenda
There were no items for the next remote meeting

13. Date of next meeting
The next remote meeting will be held on Monday 15 June 2020 at 7.00pm
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm

Signed: ..................................................... Date: ...............................................