21 September 2020

Minutes of the remote meeting of Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish Council meeting held on Monday 21 September 2020 at 7.10pm

1.        Apologies for absence

Apologies:  Apologies were accepted from Cllr Thorold

Present:  Cllrs Dickinson, Scott, Sweetman, Baker and Nunn (Chair)

Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett

2.    To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies

a.       Police report:  there was no Police report

b.      Dist Cllr Dickinson reported:

i.                    ELDC staff are working from home where possible due to Covid 19, they try to ensure that services are maintained.

ii.                  ELDC have been working with the carbon trust to understand its carbon footprint. They are working towards an ambitious target of net zero emissions by 2040.

iii.                ELDC are encouraging residents to shop local, stay safe and be kind. This can encourage residents to rediscover their local market towns.

iv.                ELDC are making fruit trees available for community orchards.

c.       County Cllr Bowkett reported:

i.                    The footway to the school has been cleared by LCC, where they are responsible, the rest needs to be cleared by the landowner.

ii.                  15 schools in Lincolnshire have positive Covid 19 tests, with one school closed.

iii.                The request for a 30mph speed limit is still being put to LCC.

iv.                The Test and Trace app will be available form 24 September.

v.                  A written report was sent to all Councillors and will be put on the website.

3.    To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011

Cllr Baker declared an interest in items 10 and 11 on the agenda, she is the secretary of the EMNL Playing Field Committee who have applied for a S137 grant.

4.    Notes of the meeting held on 20 July 2020 to be approved and signed as the minutes

It was proposed by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Dickinson that the minutes be signed, as a true record, by the Chairman in due course.

5.    Clerk’s report

a.       The Clerk reported that the work on the website has taken 12 hours so far, and is still not correct for the accessibility statement.  An email is to be sent to County Cllr Bowkett regarding this matter.

b.      Most of the free silver birch trees have died, this has been reported to LCC.

c.       The defibrillator has been checked and the information requested has been sent to LIVES.

d.      The minutes have not yet been taken for binding.

6.    Chairman’s report

The Chairman had nothing to report.

7.    Finance report

a.       The following payments have been made:

i.           Salaries                                                                                                 257.74

ii.          K & P Services (Cleaning bus shelters/war memorial)                          30.00

iii.         TJW Services (Churchyard grass cuts)                                               234.00

Paid in August:

iv.        Salaries                                                                                                 257.74

v.         K & P Services                                                                                        30.00

vi.        Intellitech Services Limited                                                                   200.00

b.         Balance in current a/c at 28.08.20:  £6464.72, reconciled: £6230.72  (The precept of £6000.00 is due to be received)  Deposit a/c:  £15,000.08

8.     To discuss the clerk’s salary – NALC rates as of 01 April 2020

a.         All Councillors have a copy of the clerk’s hours and salary together with a suggested list of new hours to be considered, due to the increase in work on the website.

b.         Following discussion it was proposed by Cllr Scott and seconded by Cllr Sweetman that the hours should increase to 7 per week on SCP 18.

9.    Audit for the year ended 31 March 2020

The audit paperwork has been submitted to the External Auditor and is available on the website, as required under the transparency requirements.

10.   To receive update regarding the 2019 grant to the Playing Field Committee

a.       Paperwork requested was not available at the meeting.

b.      Cllr Baker reported that the balance in the Playing field Committee account is £205.60;  A Triton Knoll Grant of £3374.40 has been received for surfacing, swing seats and re-siting the gym equipment.

Cllr Baker was put in the ’waiting room’ for the next item

11.   To consider s137 grant payments 2020

a.       The Annual Parish Meeting in April had to be cancelled due to Covid 19 so the applications for S137 grants were not discussed.

b.      Now we are in September and having to continue with remote meetings, there will be no vote for 2020/21.  The funds will be used elsewhere

c.       The playing field was discussed and it was resolved that the Parish Council should look at paying for the grass cutting from 2021 due to the field being used by all sections of the community.

Cllr Baker re-joined the meeting

12.    To discuss the possibility of a village shop 

a.       Cllrs Scott and Sweetman outlined the advantage of having a village shop.

b.      Following discussion it was resolved to put a questionnaire in the yearly booklet to gauge the possible usage of a local shop.

13.   To discuss the work carried out/required at the Memorial Garden

a.       There are two seats at the memorial Garden that need to be cleaned, they are in good condition.

b.      The plants and trees need to be sorted out or removed.

c.       It was resolved to meet at the Memorial Garden at 1.00pm on Tuesday 29 September to look at the situation.

14.   Planning applications received

The following plans were looked at and SUPPORTED by the Parish Council:

N/110/01735/20          Town & Country Planning        Notice Under Article 38 of proposal for a Coastal Zone Local Development Ordergranting planning permission at Land situated within Coastal East Lindsey as defined by SP17 of the adopted East Lindsey Local Plan

15.   To report planning decisions from ELDC

Full planning permission has been received for:

S/120/00822/20           Mrs S Nash                 Erection of a detached building to provide a workshop/store and a second building to provide 3 stables, a grooming area and storage for private use, existing stable yard and pole barn on site to be removed at Beckfield Arabians, Midville Lane

S/047/01110/20           Scotts Industries Ltd Extension to the existing workshop to form a lazer cutter build at Slate Worx, Station Road, Eastville

16.   To receive reports for highways                                                                                                                                                                                                              

a.         ELDC street light No1 at Boston Road has been reported as OUT and it has not been changed to LED.  This will be sorted out in due course.

b.        There is some fly-tipping at Hobhole Bank, this has been reported to ELDC.

c.         Thanks were expressed to County Cllr Bowkett for the work int getting the footway cleared to the school.

17.   Items for the next agenda

There were no matters for the next agenda

Cllr Waltham is now disqualified due to not having attended, or given apologies, for six months.  ELDC will be advised and a Notice of Vacancy will be sent to the Parish Council.

18.   Date of next meeting

The next remote meeting will be held on Monday 19 October 2020 at 7.00pm


There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.40pm