April 2022

Public forum prior to meeting on 25 April 2022


There were no members of the public present.



Minutes of the meeting of Eastville, Midville and New Leake Group Parish council held on Monday 25 April at 7.20pm in the Eastville, Midville & New Leake Village Hall


  1. Apologies for absence


Apologies:  Apologies were received from Cllrs Roxburgh and Nunn and Dist Cllr Dickinson


Present:  Cllrs Sweetman, Scott, Baker and Thorold (Chair)


Also present:  County Cllr Bowkett


  1. To co-opt a new councillor


There have been no applications for co-option


  1.  To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies


  1. Dist Cllr Dickinson let the Clerk know that she had nothing new to report
  2. County Cllr Bowkett read out her written report that has been emailed to all Councillors


4.     To receive declarations of interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011


There were no declarations of interest.


5.     Notes of the meeting held on 21 March 2022 to be approved and signed as the minutes


It was proposed by Cllr Baker and seconded by Cllr Scott that the minutes be signed as a true record.


6.     Clerk’s report


The Clerk reported that the Councillor’s grant of £500.00 had not been paid into the Parish Council account due to an error at ELDC.  The precept has been received, but in two obscure payment amounts.


7.     Chairman’s report


The Chairman had nothing to report


8.     Finance report


  1. To approve the following payments:
  1. Salaries (April)                                                                                           327.29
  2. Clerk’s Expenses                                                                                         38.45          
  3. K & P Services (Cleaning/repairs bus shelters & memorial)                      40.00
  4. Evelyn Sands (PAYE)                                                                                 60.00
  5. LIVES (cheque signed ready to pay for battery and pads)


  1. Balance at the bank on 28 March 2022:       Current account:    £5581.69  rec: £5280.49

Deposit account: £15000.08


9.      To prepare for the audit for the year ended 31 March 2022


  1. Budget Control

All Councillors have a copy of the full year budget control.  It was noted that some the end columns did not include some figures.  This will be amended and sent out by email to all Councillors.


  1. Approve the Fixed Assets Register

All Councillors have a copy of the Fixed Assets Register.  The interactive speed sign has been added and the insurance company has been advised of this purchase.  Assets were compared with the insurance schedule and it was resolved that it was all in order.


10.    Planning Applications Received


The following planning application was looked at and SUPPORTED by the Parish Council:


S/047/00559/22      Mrs Witts            Extension to existing dwelling to provide additional living accommodation at Station Farm, Station Road, Eastville


11.   To Report Planning Decisions From ELDC


FULL planning permission has been received for:


S/120/00228/22      Mr A Downes      Excavation of land to form a conservation lake (works already completed) at Greenacres Farm, Midville Road, Stickney, Boston,


12.    To receive reports for LCC highways


  1. Works will be carried out at Fodderdyke Bank, in the area of the school, during the summer holiday.
  2. The last section of Fodderdyke Bank will be completed later in the year.


13.    To receive report from the interactive speed sign


  1. Councillors were given a copy outlining information for the first ten days of use of the interactive sign.
  2. In the ten days 5978 vehicles had driven past the sign.
  3. Monthly counts will now be checked.


14.    Memorial garden


  1. Pre-planning advice

              ELDC reported that this had been sat on a desk, but it will now be looked into.


  1. Kitchen at St Jude’s

Cllr Sweetman has drawn up some plans for the kitchen, these will be emailed to the vicar for the approval of the PCC.


  1. Any other matters

The Clerk has chased up the contractors who will give a quote for the removal of the stumps and the trees at the back of the garden area.


15.    To consider contributing to a fortnightly the Wednesday rural bus service


  1. The Clerk outlined the latest situation regarding the Market Day Service.
  2. Following discussion it was resolved that a contribution would be considered to have a fortnightly bus service.


16.    To approve the order for Jubilee mugs


  1. Currently 64 mugs are required, an order for 72 will be made if there are no additional requests following a reminder on Social Media.
  2. The mugs will be presented to the children at the school and the rest delivered to their homes.


17.    Matters for the next agenda


There were no matters for the next agenda.


18.   Date of next meeting:  16 May 2022:

 Annual Parish Council Meeting – 6.30pm

 Parish Council Meeting – 6.40

 Annual Parish Meeting – 7.00pm




There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm